REST Lua Service


The RestLuaService is a service for initiating Lua scripts running within the LogicApp.

The RestLuaService receives messages from one or more instances of the RestServerApp which is configured to receive REST/HTTP(S) Requests from an external client.

The RestLuaService communicates with the RestServerApp using the REST-S-… messages.

Configuring RestLuaService

The RestLuaService is configured within a LogicApp.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <application name="Logic" module="LogicApp">
              <service module="RestServerApp::RestLuaService" libs="../apps/rest_s/lib" script_dir="/var/lib/n2svcd/logic/rest">

In addition to the Common LogicApp Service Configuration, note the following specific attribute notes, and service-specific attributes.

Under normal installation, the following service attributes apply:

Parameter Name Type XML Type Description
module String Attribute [Required] The module name containing the Lua Service code: RestServerApp::RestLuaService
libs String Attribute Location of the module for RestLuaService.
(Default: ../apps/rest_s/lib)
script_dir String Attribute [Required] The directory containing scripts used by this service.

Script Selection (REST Request)

Script selection is optionally configurable using a <triggers> list in the service configuration. The service will choose how to handle any request received by:

  1. First attempting to match the incoming request against a <trigger> definition. Triggers are attempted in the order defined in the <triggers> list.
  2. Attempting to run a script whoes name is simply the part after the final “/” of the path.

For example, without a matching trigger, an inbound request with path /APP/rest/echo will map to a script name of echo, which will be satisfied by a file named echo.lua or in the script_dir directory configured for the service.

However, if triggers are defined, for example:

    <trigger method="get"        path="/APP/rest/echo" script_key="simple_echo"/>
    <trigger              path_prefix="/APP/rest"      script_key="rest_api"/>

Then an inbound GET request with a path exactly matching /APP/rest/echo will be handled by the Lua script in a file called simple_echo.lua or Any other requests where the HTTP path’s prefix is /APP/rest, regardless of HTTP method, will be handled by the Lua script rest_api.

Refer to the LogicApp configuration for more information on directories, library paths, and script caching parameters.

Script Trigger Configuration

The following configuration attributes are required for each <trigger> defined:

Parameter Name Type XML Type Description
path_prefix String Attribute [Optional] The string to match against the HTTP path. This path prefix is used as a substring match against The incoming HTTP request's path. Any repeated path separators (i.e. instances of //) are converted into single / before the match is performed.

Only one of path_prefix and path are allowed.

path String Attribute [Optional] The string to match against the HTTP path. This path must be a full string match against The incoming HTTP request's path. Any repeated path separators (i.e. instances of //) are converted into single /. before comparison.

Only one of path_prefix and path are allowed.

method String Attribute [Optional] The HTTP method (case insensitive) of the HTTP request to match this trigger. Supported method are GET POST PUT PATCH DELETE HEAD and OPTIONS.
script_key String Attribute [Required] The name of the Lua script (without the .lua or .lc extension) to execute when a matching inbound request is received.

Note that attributes path_prefix, path and method are all optional. It is valid to define a trigger with only a script_key:

For example this triggers configuration:

  <trigger script_key="api">

causes all inbound HTTP requests to be handled by the Lua script api.[lc|lua]

Script Global Variables

Scripts run with this service have access to the Common LUA Service Global Variables.

There are no service-specific global variables.

Script Entry Parameters (REST Request)

The Lua script must be a Lua chunk such as the following example, which includes a single user-level HTTP header named Echo-Flag:

local n2svcd = require "n2.n2svcd"

local rest = ...

n2svcd.debug ("Echo Supplied REST Inputs:")
n2svcd.debug_var (rest)

return { 
    content_type = rest.content_type, 
    content = rest.content,
    http_headers = { { name = 'Echo-Flag', value = 'true' } }

The chunk will be executed with a single rest entry parameter which is an object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
.remote_ip String The remote IP address from which the REST HTTP(S) request was sent.
.remote_port Integer The remote TCP/IP port from which the REST HTTP(S) request was sent.
.method String The HTTP Request method.
.uri String The URI for which the request was received.
Includes only path and query. No host/port/auth/user/fragment is present.
.path String The URI path.
.query String The URI query string (the part following "?" in the URI).
.query_args String or Object If the .query attribute contains & or = then this query_args contains a table of the name and values, decoded according to common web form conventions. If you wish to have full control of the decoding, then you should directly reference the undecoded .query.
.content_type String The HTTP Request Content-Type header value.
.content String The HTTP Request content.
.http_headers Array of Object The list of HTTP headers parsed from the HTTP Request (see below for object structure).
All HTTP headers are present, including Content-Length and Content-Type.
If a HTTP header was repeated in the HTTP Request, then it is repeated in this Array.

Each object in the .http_headers Array for the rest entry parameter has the following structure.

Field Type Description
.name String [Required] The name of the HTTP Request header.
.value String [Required] The full string value of the HTTP Request header.

Script Return Parameters (REST Response)

The Lua script is responsible for determing the REST Response which will be sent back in reply to the original REST Request.

The simplest way to do this is by the return value given back to the service at the end of script execution.

For full control over the REST response, the script return value may be a response object with the following attributes:

Field Type Description
response Object Container for the REST response parameters we are to send.
.code Integer [Required] The HTTP Response Status Code to send (e.g. 200)
.content_type String The HTTP Response Content-Type header value to send.
(Default = Do not return Content-Type header)
.content String The HTTP Request content to send.
(Default = None)
.http_headers Array of Objects Additional user-level header objects to apply to an outbound HTTP Response (see below for object structure).
These headers are added after any headers defined by static RestServerApp application configuration.
You should not set the Content-Type or Content-Length headers.
(Default = No Additional Headers)

Each object in the .http_headers Array for the response object has the following structure.

Field Type Description
.name String [Required] The name of the HTTP Response header.
.value String [Required] The full string value of the HTTP Response header.
.replace 0 / 1 If 1 then all previous headers of this name are removed, and this header replaces them.
(Default = Append to the existing headers, do not replace)

Example (returning a Table REST Response):

    local n2svcd = require "n2.n2svcd"

    local rest = ...
        return ({ content_type = "application/json", content = '{ "numrows": 1 }'})

Alternatively, a script may return a simple string instead of a Table.

Example (returning a String REST Response):

    local n2svcd = require "n2.n2svcd"

    local rest = ...
        return "I AM OK YOU ARE OK"

This is a shorthand for code = 200, content_type = text/plain.

Alternatively, a script may return nil.

Example (returning a 200 OK with no Content):

    local n2svcd = require "n2.n2svcd"

    local rest = ...
        return nil

This is a shorthand for code = 200, no Content, no Content-Type.

The RestLuaService API

The REST Service API can be loaded as follows.

    local rest_service_api = require "n2.n2svcd.rest_service"

It is not necessary to load the REST Service API if you are only using the simple response mechanism described above. It is only required if you wish to use any of the extended features described below.


When a Lua Script needs to perform extended processing, it may wish to send an early REST response before the script completes. This can be done with the response method on the REST API.

The response method takes a single response parameter. The structure of this response parameter is identical to the response parameter which may be returned as the script return parameter, as described above in Script Return Parameters (REST Response)

The response method returns true.

[Fragment] Example (403 Early Response with text/plain content and cookie):

    local headers = {}
    http.response_headers_set_cookie (headers, "SESSION$", "<none>", { httponly = 1 })

    rest_service_api.response ({ 
        code = 403, 
        content = "ACCESS DENIED!", 
        content_type = "text/plain", 
        http_headers = headers
    [post-processing after REST transaction is concluded]

[Fragment] Example (200 Early Response with text/plain content):

    rest_service_api.response ("THANKS FOR CALLING")
    [post-processing after REST transaction is concluded]