
Tester Application Configuration

The N2SVCD Tester Application is the primary access point for agents wishing to execute tests. The Tester Application has two primary interactions:

See the N2SVCD Configuration Overview for more information on how the Tester Application interacts with other components.

The following configuration is used to create a Tester Application instance. In the usual case, you will only ever require a single Tester instance. Even if your Tester Installation is intended to interact with a number of different “environments under test” (e.g. Production, Model), you can run tests against multiple different environments via a single Tester Application instance.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <application name="Tester" module="TesterApp">
        <parameter name="json_host" value=""/>
        <parameter name="json_port" value="9009"/>
        <parameter name="default_sigtran_app_name" value="SIGTRAN"/>
        <parameter name="default_pi_app_name" value="PI-SMF01"/>
        <parameter name="default_osd_app_name" value="OSD-SLC01"/>
        <parameter name="default_db_app_name_smf" value="DB-SMF01"/>
        <parameter name="ignore_reset_timer" value="1"/>
        <parameter name="edr_margin_secs" value="2"/>
              <stream key="n2svcd" directory="/tmp/edr"/>

Configuration Details

The application element attributes for a Tester Application instance may include the below.

For details of the various parameter types used, refer to Common Configuration.

Parameter Name Type XML Type Description
See: Common Application configuration
module String Attribute [Required] TesterApp
include.lib String Attribute [Required] ../apps/tester/lib
parameters Array Element [Required] As per Common Configuration Application parameters.
"edr_enabled" - - This value is ignored; the Tester Application does not support writing EDRs.
"json_host" String Attribute IPv4 Host Name or A.B.C.D IPv4 Bind Address on which to create a JSON RPC server.
(Default =
"json_port" Positive Integer Attribute IPv4 Bind Port Number on which to create a JSON RPC server.
(Default = 9009)
"retention_count" Integer Attribute The number of most-recent completed runs to retain in memory for tracing.
When load-testing (multiple instances per run) only the first instance of each run is retained.
(Default = 10)
"default_db_app_name" String Attribute Default name of a DB Application instance to use for sending DB-REQUEST> requests that do not contain a named destination label, e.g. db.Request
(Default = DB Application Name must be specified in each test definition; see note under Default Application Names)
"default_db_app_name_<label>" String Attribute Default name of a labeled DB Application instance to use for sending DB-REQUEST requests that contain a named destination label. For example, default_rest_app_name_smf will automatically be used for any action that contains db.smf.<method>
(Default = DB Application Name must be specified in each test definition; see note under Default Application Names)
"default_diameter_app_name" String Attribute Name of a Diameter Application instance to use for sending Diameter requests.
(Default = Diameter Application Name must be specified in each test definition; see note under Default Application Names)
"default_osd_app_name" String Attribute Name of a SOAP Client Application instance to use for sending Oracle OCNCC OSD requests.
(Default = OSD Application Name must be specified in each test definition; see note under Default Application Names)
"default_pi_app_name" String Attribute Name of a SOAP Client Application or MML Client Application instance to use for sending Oracle OCNCC PI requests.
(Default = PI Application Name must be specified in each test definition; see note under Default Application Names)
"default_rest_app_name" String Attribute Default name of a REST Client Application instance to use for sending REST-C-REQUEST outbound REST messages that do not contain a named destination label, e.g. rest.SendRequest.
(Default = REST Client Application Name must be specified in each test definition; see note under Default Application Names)
"default_rest_app_name_<label>" String Attribute Default name of a labeled REST Client Application instance to use for sending REST-C-REQUEST outbound REST messages that contain a named destination label. For example, default_rest_app_name_pcrf will automatically be used for any action that contains rest.pcrf.<method>
(Default = REST Client Application Name must be specified in each test definition; see note under Default Application Names)
"default_sigtran_app_name" String Attribute Name of a SIGTRAN Application instance to use for sending TCAP BEGIN (InitialDP and AssistRequestInstruction) operations.
(Default = SIGTRAN Application Name must be specified in each test definition; see note under Default Application Names)
"default_scp_tcap_timeout" Integer Attribute Default number of seconds that we should allow the SCP to reply whenever a test is waiting for an inbound SCP TCAP operation (MAP/INAP). The test run definition may override this value.
(Default = 10)
"ignore_reset_timer" Integer Attribute Set to 1 to indicate that unexpected INAP ResetTimer operations received by the virtual SSP during processing of a test script should be ignored.
(Default = 0)
"auto_activity_result" Integer Attribute Set default behaviour when we receive an inbound INAP ActivityTest operation inbound.
Should we automatically generate an INAP ActivityTestResult (setting = 1) or should we pass it up to the test script for explicit handling.
This behavior may be overridden on a per-test basis by setting the auto_activity_result attribute at the top level of the JSON test script.
(Default = 1, automatically respond to ActivityTest)
"auto_srf_prearranged_end" Integer Attribute Set behaviour when an SRF transaction is still open at the end of a test script.
Should we automatically perform TCAP pre-arranged END (setting = 1) or should we abort the test script with an error.
(Default = 1, automatically use TCAP pre-arranged END for SRF transactions)
"edr_margin_secs" Integer Attribute Set the EDR margin seconds that are used when performing the file.edr operation. (Default = 2)
config Object Element Container for extended configuration for this Application instance.
streams Array Element Configured EDR streams. Used for the file.edr operation when caching EDR files.
stream Array Element A single EDR file stream key that will be used to load EDR records into the EDR stream cache.
.key String Attribute The EDR stream key to look for in the provided EDR directory.
.directory String Attribute The directory to search for EDR files that match the provided stream key.

Default Application Names

Depending on your test setup, you may not need to (or wish to) specify Default Application Names.

Some testing frameworks will provide an explicit environment which sets the appropriate agent applications explicitly.

Message Handling

In addition to the common Application management messages, the TesterApp uses the following messages: