Red Hat 9

Redhat 9 Installation


Please check that the assumptions and requirements documented in the installation overview have been suitably completed.

RHEL Subscriptions

The following RHEL subscriptions are required to be present on the installation server:

To determine the current subscription, run:

dnf repolist

This will list the current attached repositories, for example:

repo id                                    repo name
codeready-builder-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms   Red Hat CodeReady Linux Builder for RHEL 9 x86_64 (RPMs)
epel                                       Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 - x86_64
epel-cisco-openh264                        Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64
rhel-9-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms           Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 for x86_64 - AppStream (RPMs)
rhel-9-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms              Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 for x86_64 - BaseOS (RPMs)

It is likely, by default, that both appstream and baseos repositories are enabled. To enable codeready if it is not listed, run:

subscription-manager repos --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms

Enable the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository:

dnf install

N-Squared RPM Package Repository

N-Squared provides a RPM repository that is used to provide a number of dependencies that otherwise are not available through standard channels (particularly the n2svcd package itself).

In order to use this repository, set up the N-Squared RPM repository by creating a record for it in the file:

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/nsquared.repo

Add the following content to the file with access credentials that are provided by N-Squared:

name=N-Squared Software Releases

Import the N-Squared GPG key for the RPM packages downloaded from our RPM repository

rpm -import

Clean all the existing repositories to update dnf:

dnf clean all

Update the available repositories to refresh the available package list:

dnf update

Note that organisational security or operational guidelines might require our repository to be accessed through a local satellite repository, rather than direct as shown here.

Pre-Requisite Packages

The n2svcd package has a number of pre-requisites.

Install core packages:

dnf install epel-release lua lksctp-tools \
rsyslog rsyslog-snmp net-snmp-libs \
net-snmp net-snmp-utils mailcap sysstat

Note the usage of epel-release; this core package acts as RPM repository extension package that allows access to additional Perl packages that would otherwise require manual installation.

Install core Perl packages, noting that these will be automatically required in practice on installing n2svcd.

dnf install \
    perl-Data-Dumper \
    perl-Error \
    perl-HTTP-Message \
    perl-JSON \
    perl-List-MoreUtils \
    perl-TermReadKey \
    perl-Test-Differences \
    perl-TimeDate \
    perl-URI \
    perl-Sys-Syslog \
    perl-Digest-SHA \
    perl-IO-Socket-SSL \
    perl-Crypt-Eksblowfish \
    perl-Clone \
    perl-DateTime \
    perl-Time-HiRes \
    perl-JSON-XS \
    perl-Module-Load \
    perl-XML-LibXML \
    perl-boolean \
    perl-Math-Complex \
    perl-Math-BigInt \
    perl-DBI \

Package Installation


N-Squared provides a customised Lua package for N2SVCD. Install this:

dnf install n2lua

Note however this will be automatically installed due to dependency checking on n2svcd regardless.


Once all pre-requisites are installed as described above, the n2svd package is to be installed. The latest released version of N2SVCD can be installed via dnf:

dnf install n2svcd

Once installed, follow the post-installation tasks, and then configure N2SVCD by following the configuration documentation.