Service Channels

The Voucher Server supports integration with third party network elements via the concept of a Service Channel.

Service Channels define API codes that when provided with external inbound API requests control what features the third party integration can access.

To access the Service Channel search page, select the Service Channels menu link.

All configured Service Channels will be shown with standard features for searching and sorting available via the table controls.

Double clicking a row or clicking the edit icon will display the Service Channel details page.

Note: The default Queue Process and GUI service channels can not be modified or deleted.

In the example screenshot the configured Service Channel Demo-Script is configured as active with all permissions granted.

Configuration Property Description
Service Channel Name Identifiable name used by the Voucher Server GUI to identify Service Channels.
Service Channel Code API code which is required to be provided by third party APIs in order to access this Service Channels features.
Description Free form description field used by the Voucher Server GUI to identify Service Channel configuration.
Active Whether or not the Service Channel is active and can be utilized by third party APIs.
Can Generate Batch Whether Voucher Batches can be generated by this Service Channel.
Can Generate E-Voucher Whether E-Vouchers can be generated by this Service Channel.
Can Distribute Batch Whether Voucher Batches can be distributed by this Service Channel.
Can Query Vouchers Whether Vouchers can be queries by this Service Channel.
Can Update Vouchers Whether Vouchers can be updated by this Service Channel.
Can Redeem Vouchers by Unencrypted HRN Whether Vouchers can be redeemed via their unencrypted HRN by this Service Channel.
Can Redeem Vouchers by Serial Number Whether Vouchers can be redeemed via their serial number by this Service Channel.