ACD EDR Content

ACD EDR Format

ACD EDRs are generated by the ACD call processing engine. An ACD EDR for a simple termination will have the following content:

2023-09-12 02:17:45.755<acd-t-01~ACD~1694056193~70225715,acd-t-01~Logic~1694056193~701c709a>ACD|CUST_ID=92|CUST_NAME=N-Squared|FLOW_ID=20|FLOW_NAME=Direct Connect|FLOW_VERSION=10|NODES=AT-2|UNCTRLD=1

The format of this EDR, as with all EDRs is:

EDRs are processed by the reporting subsystem and are available as JSON-based EDRs from the database.

Standard EDR Fields

The following ACD EDR fields may be found in ACD EDRs as standard. Note how most call information is not included in the ACD EDR. To determine network call information the ACD EDR may be used to retreive all network call EDRs based on the first component of the session ID. Alternatively use the summarised EDR database tables.

Field Type Example Value Description
AC_CODE String 123 The account code entered via the Account Code Entry node. Appended to if multiple entries exist.
BEEP_WARN String 1 An internal numeric code indicating a failure occurred while trying to play a B-party beep. Only set if an error occurred and should be reported to N-Squared support.
CODE Integer 1 Set only if an error occurred during service loading. Positive numbers indicate an expected, handled error, e.g. a barred calling party number forbidding service. Negative numbers indicate an unexpected error and should be reported to N-Squared support.
CUST_ID Integer 92 The internal customer ID that owns the service handling the call.
CUST_NAME String N-Squared Software The external customer name that owns the service handling the call.
DESC String Call barred: the calling party number matches a barred prefix. Set only if an error occurred during service loading. Contains freeform text describing the error.
FCI_WARN String 1 INAP Only. An internal numeric code indicating a failure occurred while trying to construct or send an FCI. Only set if an error occurred and should be reported to N-Squared support.
FLOW_ID Integer 1 The internal flow ID scheduled for handling the call.
FLOW_NAME String Direct Connect The flow name scheduled for handling the call as at the time call was handled.
FLOW_VERSION Integer 1 The flow version ID for the scheduled flow.
HANDOVER String 0800123456 Contains the service number that a call is handed off to using the Service Number Handover node.
MLID String 001 The Mobile Location ID information. If not provided this EDR field will not be present.
NODES String MENU-3:2%2CMENU-3 Contains the nodes that the flow traversed, separated by escaped (written as %2C) commas. Nodes are in the format [node key]-[node number]:[exit number taken].
PIN String 1**4 The PIN entered via the Enter PIN node. Appended to if multiple entries exist. Middle digits are masked.
REDIR_WARN String 1 An internal numeric code indicating a failure occurred while trying to construct redirecting information. Only set if an error occurred and should be reported to N-Squared support.
UNCTRLD Integer 1 Set to 1 if the call was uncontrolled (i.e. the A-party is no longer present) when the call concluded.

The following fields are possible in ACD EDRs where call processing is handled by the Lua-scripted ACD user-management flows:

Field Type Example Value Description
ERROR String n/a Set only in the user self-management plan if an error occurs. Contains freeform text describing the error.
MGMT Integer 1 Set to 1 if the flow being used is the user self-management flow.
PATH String TFP%2CPIN%2CPIN-OK%2CMM%2CCFM Set only in the user self-management flow. Contains the escaped-comma separated details of the states experienced while traversing the plan.
TFN String 0800123456 Set only in the user self-management flow. The service number entered for self-management.

Node Key to Node Mapping

In the NODES list of the ACD EDR, each node that is traversed during call processing is listed using the node key. The following table maps these keys to the nodes as shown in the ACD Flow Editor.

Node Name EDR Key
Account Code Entry ACE
Branch Counter IF
Breakout Dialing BD
Business Hours BH
Caller Location Routing CLOC
Caller Presentation CPPI
Caller Type CTYP
Calling Party CGPN
Cellsite Routing CELL
Connect AT
Day of Week DOW
Day of Year DOY
Dialled Number DN
End Call END
Expression EXPR
Extension Dialing EXT
First Callers FC
Follow Me FME
Increment Counter ADD
Location Routing LOC
Loop Limit LL
Mobile Location Routing MLOC
Number Matching NM
Original Called Party OCP
PIN Authorisation PIN
Play Announcement PLAY
Proportional Distribution PROP
Reterminate Service RETS
Service Number Handover SHO
Set Counter SETC
Set Number SETN
Speed Dial SPD
Suburb Routing SUBR
Switch SW
Prefix Map Lookup PMAP
Time of Day TOD
User Input INP