Calling Party Category

Calling Party Category

The CallingPartyCategory selects an exit according to the value of the CallingPartyCategory supplied when the call control was triggered by the telephone switch.

The CallingPartyCategory operation must have at least one exit. The CallingPartyCategory operation is only useful when it has more than one exit, although this is not enforced by the operation definition.

Config Parameters

The CallingPartyCategory operation config attributes are as follows.

Parameter Type Description
rules Array of
[Required] The rules Array must contain none or more Objects.

Config Rules

A CallingPartyCategory operation rules Object is as follows.

Parameter Type Description
type String The type of calling party which must match in order to branch down the associated exit. This must be one of: payphone, international, landline, or mobile.
exit_idx Integer The zero-based index number down which to route calls from callers of this type.

Note that if one or more types match, the following priority order will apply: international, landline, mobile, payphone, Default.

If no prefix matches, then the first exit (index zero) will be followed for Default processing.

Example Operation

Here is an example CallingPartyCategory operation in JSON representation.

        "id": 5,
        "type": "CallingPartyCategory",
        "base_node": 1,
        "config": {
            "rules": [
                { "type": "payphone", "exit_idx": 1 },
        "exits": [ 4, 17 ]

In this example, calls from a payphone caller will proceed down exit 1 to operation ID 17, while all other calls will down exit index 0 to operation ID 4.


The first exit is always the “Default” exit.

Exit Index Name Description
0 Exit #1 (Default) [Required] All CallingPartyCategory operations must have at least one exit.
1 Exit #2 + Additional exits may be present.