

The CallerLocation operation is called the Location Routing node in the Flow Editor GUI.

The CallerLocation operation selects an exit according to best-matching the Calling Party’s address against a geography set. A geography set often represents a structure tree of geographic regions, with each level of the tree defining a smaller region than the higher node in the tree.

For example, the geography set:

New Zealand 
  -> North Island
    -> 09
    -> 07
    -> 06
    -> 04
  -> South Island
    -> 03

represents a simple geography set for New Zealand, with (denormalised) prefixes for landlines split between the New Zealand North and South Island.

Geography sets may also represent other logical breakdowns, such as postcodes, mobile caller locations by cellsite, etc.

The CallerLocation operation is similar to the CallingParty operation, except that the geographic regions are externally-defined, separate from the operation itself.

When configuring a CallerLocation node, not all nodes of the geography set tree must be explicitly mapped. The geography set’s tree structure allows mappings between nodes in the tree to encompass all sub-nodes automatically.

When a mapping from the calling party’s address to an explicitly mapped exit cannot be made, the default exit is taken.

If one or more geographic rules match the calling party, then the entry or prefix associated with the longest (best match) prefix will be used. If no prefix matches for any of the listed geographic entries, then the default exit exit will be followed for Default processing.

The CallerLocation operation must have at least one exit. The CallerLocation operation is only useful when it has more than one exit, although this is not enforced by the operation definition.

Config Parameters

Parameter Type Required? Description
name String N The name for the node. If not given, the node's default name will be used when naming it in the GUI. The node's name may be changed by the user and is not used programmatically by ACD for processing.
id Integer Y The numeric operation ID. This must match the Object's key in the operations hash.
notes String N A user-specified note for the node. To be displayed as a comment against the node in the GUI.
type String Y Name of the operation type. Must be CallerLocation
exits_map Object Y A mapping between exit names, and the operation ID to link the exit too. Each exit name in the CallerLocation node is a number, starting from 1 and incrementing by 1 for each exit. Unlike the exits array, the exit names are 1-based.
exits Array of
Y [Deprecated] Array of all of the "next operation" IDs to which this operation is connected. Indexes into this array are zero-based.
The Array element may also be null, which indicates that this exit leads to the end of all processing. If the caller is still on the line when this exit is taken, the call will be disconnected by the switch.
config Object Y Most Operation Objects will have a config describing the particular configuration of this operation instance. The structure of this config depends on the operation type.

Config Parameters

Configuration specific to the caller location node:

Parameter Type Required? Description
default_exit_idx Integer N The (zero based) index into the exits array for the exit to treat as the default exit.
geography_set String Y The geography_set specifies the name of a (public or private) geography set defined on the platform. This set must contain all of the geographic entries configured within the associated list of operation rules.
geography_set_customer_name String Y The name of the customer that is the owner of the geography_set.
rules Array of
Y The rules Array must contain one or more Objects.

Config Rules

A CallerLocation operation rules Object is as follows. The rules array must containe one or more rules:

Parameter Type Description
geographic_entry String Specifies the name of the system-configured named geographic entry (which is typically associated with multiple best-match prefixes) which this rule matches. This named geographic entry must exist within the geography set indicated by the geography_set parameter in the config Object.
geographic_entry_prefix String Specifies the prefix associated with the geography_entry rule parameter, where applicable.
exit_idx Integer The zero-based index number down which to route calls from callers with address matching a prefix within this geographic entry.

Example Operation

Here is an example CallerLocation operation in JSON representation.

		"config": {
			"default_exit_idx": 1,
			"geography_set": "Private Geography Set",
			"geography_set_customer_name": "Service Provider",
			"rules": [
					"exit_idx": 0,
					"geography_entry": "Bay Of Plenty"
		"exitNames": [
				"name": "1"
				"name": "2"
		"exits": [
		"exits_map": {
			"1": 3,
			"2": 4
		"id": 2,
		"name": "Location Routing",
		"notes": [],
		"type": "CallerLocation"


The default exit is explicitly given by the default_exit_idx configuration field.

Exit Index Name Description
0 1 [Required] All CallerLocation operations must have at least one exit.
1 .. 2 .. Additional exits may be present.