
Upgrading N2FE

N2FE upgrades are distributed as RPM and Debian packages. To upgrade N2FE, follow these steps:

  1. Download the appropriate (RPM or Debian) package for N2FE from N-Squared. The package filename will be of the form n2fe-3.1.0-1.noarch.rpm or n2fe_3.1.0-1_all.deb.
  2. Copy this package to the target server.
  3. Install the package. On RPM based systems, run:
rpm -Uvh <package name>

and on Debian based systems, run:

dpkg --install <package name>

At this point the new package is installed, and N2FE’s software is upgraded. The next steps are to apply any new configuration. N-Squared will advise of any new configuration changes required on each upgrade:

  1. Edit /etc/jarvis/n2fe.xml (or the equivalent environment specific file), and apply any new configuration required.
  2. Update any site-specific branding CSS to account for any changes to the N2FE interface.
  3. Update any site-specific translation files, if any new phrases have been added to the localisation system.

Site-specific files will be found in /var/lib/n2fe, or the equivalent environment specific directory.