

The customer endpoint allows API clients to search, create, update and delete customer records in the underlying OCNCC system.

GET /api/customers

Search customers. Only customers accessible to the currently authenticated user will be returned in search results.

This request supports the following parameters:

Parameter Example Description
name Plumb The search term. This term will be used in a case insensitive substring match against both customer names and service numbers stored in the underlying OCNCC system. This allows the search term to encompass both freephone & service numbers as well as customer names. Note that a search term is optional.

Response Content

The response will be a JSON array of objects, with each object consisting of the following information:

Key Type Description
customer_sns String A comma separated list of service numbers associated with the customer. E.g. 0800123123, 0800123444, 19001232454.
id Integer The unique ID of the customer. To be used whenever a customer ID is required.
name String The unique name of the customer.
reference Integer An external system customer reference for the customer. Used to match the customer ID in the underlying OCNCC system with external systems.



curl 'http://localhost/jarvis-agent/n2fe/api/customers?name=rapid'  -H 'Cookie: N2FE_CGISESSID=4876c530f3d7252330a95ea51007f252'


      "reference" : "21345345",
      "customer_sns" : "",
      "name" : "RAPID Centres",
      "id" : "213654"
      "id" : "23527",
      "name" : "RAPIDS JET",
      "customer_sns" : "0508727437",
      "reference" : "6677620"
      "id" : "23165",
      "name" : "Rapid Raiders",
      "reference" : "02316545498",
      "customer_sns" : "0800333541"
      "name" : "Rapid Stoppers",
      "id" : "45661",
      "customer_sns" : "08002137545, 08008945645",
      "reference" : "21547843"

GET /api/customer/:customer_id

Retrieve details for a specific customer. Only customers accessible to the currently authenticated user will be returned in the returned results.

This request supports the following parameters:

Parameter Example Description
customer_id 3213 [URL parameter], [Required] The ID of the customer to retrieve.

Response Content

The response will be a single JSON object consisting of the following information:

Key Type Description
customer_reference String An external system customer reference for the customer. Used to match the customer ID in the underlying OCNCC system with external systems.
description String A general description field for the customer record.
id Integer The unique ID of the customer. To be used whenever a customer ID is required.
name String The unique name of the customer.
pt_tn_range_policy Integer Defines what numbers can be used in an attempt terminate (connect) node.
max_users Integer The maximum number of users this customer is allowed.
pt_customer_language Integer The default language for announcements.
max_call_plans Integer The maximum number of call plans this customer is allowed.
managed Integer Whether a customer is self managed, or managed by a telco.



curl 'http://localhost/jarvis-agent/n2fe/api/customer/45856'  -H 'Cookie: N2FE_CGISESSID=4876c530f3d7252330a95ea51007f252'


   "pt_tn_range_policy" : 0,
   "max_users" : "20",
   "pt_customer_language" : 1,
   "customer_reference" : "15808125",
   "name" : "Plumbers and Gasfitters",
   "max_call_plans" : "20",
   "id" : "45856",
   "managed" : "1"

PUT /api/customer/:customer_id

Update the details for a specific customer. Only customers accessible to the currently authenticated user may be updated. Any other user update will cause an error.

This request supports the following parameters:

Parameter Example Description
customer_id 3213 [URL parameter], [Required] The ID of the customer to update.

The content of the PUT request must be a JSON object with the following fields:

Key Type Description
customer_reference String An external system customer reference for the customer. Used to match the customer ID in the underlying OCNCC system with external systems.
description String A general description field for the customer record.
id Integer The id of the customer.
managed Integer Whether the customer is self managed.
max_call_plans Integer The maximum number of call plans for this customer.
max_users Integer The maximum number of users for this customer.
name String The customer name.
pt_customer_language Integer The default language for announcements.
pt_tn_range_policy Integer Defines what numbers can be used in an attempt terminate (connect) node.

Note that all fields must be provided. Missing fields will be set to NULL in the database.

Response Content

The response will be a single JSON object consisting of the following information:

Key Type Description
group_list String A comma separated list of groups the current customer is a member of.
success Integer The success status of the put request.
modified Integer Whether modifications were made.
error_string String The error that occured.
logged_in Integer Weather the customer is logged in.
username String the customer username.


File customer.json:

  "customer_reference": "430184/B"
  , "description": "This is a test update"


curl 'http://localhost/jarvis-agent/n2fe/api/customer/50203' -T /tmp/customer.json -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' -H 'Cookie: N2FE_CGISESSID=4876c530f3d7252330a95ea51007f252'

Success Response

On success the system will return the following information structure in JSON:

   "modified" : 1,
   "error_string" : "",
   "success" : 1,
   "group_list" : "ACS_BOSS,BCD_BOSS,CCS Superuser",
   "username" : "su",
   "logged_in" : "1"

If the customer ID provided in the URL does not match any customer, the modified count will be 0.

Error Response

On an error the system will return the following information structure in JSON:

   "error_string" : "",
   "group_list" : "ACS_BOSS,BCD_BOSS,CCS Superuser",
   "logged_in" : "1",
   "message" : "ORA-12899: value too large for column",
   "success" : 0,
   "username" : "su"

GET /api/customer/:customerId/compile/:session_id

Response Content

Key Type Description
id Integer Boolean value indicating whether repatcha is enabled.
profile_block Integer The configured client habitat information.
profile_tag_name String The configured client habitat information.
profile_tag Integer The configured client habitat information.


curl 'http://logan/jarvis-agent/n2fe/api/customer/50203/compile/5610264'  -H 'Cookie: N2FE_CGISESSID=4876c530f3d7252330a95ea51007f252'

Not finished compiling:


Finished compiling the plan:

      "id" : "865108",
      "error_string" : "[Note 113] [Control Plan Structure caller type testing flow]: Beginning Compile",
      "compile_date" : "20180503044330"
      "error_string" : "[Note 114] [Control Plan Structure caller type testing flow]: Compile Successful (10 nodes)",
      "id" : "865109",
      "compile_date" : "20180503044330"
      "id" : "865110",
      "error_string" : "[Note 109] [Control Plan Data caller type testing flow]: Beginning Compile",
      "compile_date" : "20180503044331"
      "id" : "865111",
      "error_string" : "[Note 110] [Control Plan Data caller type testing flow]: Compile Successful",
      "compile_date" : "20180503044331"
      "compile_date" : "20180503044331",
      "id" : "865112",
      "error_string" : "[Note 112]: Finished"