Suburb Routing

N2FE Flow Operation - Suburb Routing

The SuburbRouting maps an Incoming Session CC Calling Network Address by looking up the Network Address against a selected lookup dataset.

The SuburbRouting node stores the resulting code in the Suburb Code temporary storage profile fields. The exit taken from the SuburbRouting depends on whether or not a match is found for the Network Address.

Config Parameters

The SuburbRouting operation config attributes are as follows.

Parameter Type Description
suburb_set_id String [Required] The suburb_set_id is the ID of the lookup dataset to compare and retrieve values from.
suburb_set_name String [Required] The suburb_set_id is the name of the lookup dataset to compare and retrieve values from.

Example Operation

Here is an example SuburbRouting operation in JSON representation.

        "type": "SuburbRouting",
        "config": {
            "suburb_set_name": "Suburb Lookup",
            "suburb_set_id"  : "1"
        "base_node": "4",
        "exits": [
        "id": "4"

In this example, the CC Calling Network Address tag is looked up against the the lookup dataset Suburb Lookup. If a match is found the value will be stored within the temporary storage Suburb Code profile field.

If a match is found exit 1 will be used while all non matches will be directed down exit 2. If an error occurs the call will be directed down exit 3


Exit Index Name Description
0 Match [Required] A CC Calling Network Address has been mapped to a code.
1 No Match [Required] No matching prefix was found in the dataset.
2 Error [Required] An internal error has occurred.