Logic Op - Assert

Logic Operation - Assert

The Assert operation is used to perform logic checks within the test instance. The pass/fail results will be written to the check_log for the test instance. If configured to do so, a failed check will result in the test instance being aborted.


The operation attributes are as follows.

Attribute Type Description
type String eval
expression String [Required] The expression to evaluate, typically referencing $v, $i or $g.
This attribute is always evaluated as an expression.
pass String Message to record in the test instance check_log if the expression evaluates true.
Message will be logged with status = pass and with text as specified.
(Default = ‘Assert tested TRUE.’)
This message may be specified as an expression.
fail String Message to record in the test instance check_log if the expression evaluates false.
Message will be logged with status = fail and with text as specified. (Default = ‘Assert tested FALSE.’)
This message may be specified as an expression.
abort String Message to record in the test instance check_log if the expression evaluates false.
Message will be logged with status = abort and with text as specified.
This message may be specified as an expression. The test instance will also be aborted in this case.

Note: If the abort attribute is present, then the fail attribute is ignored.


This is an example entry within the operations array:

  "type": "assert", 
  "expression": "$i->{ReleaseCall}{initialCallSegment_cause} > 22", 
  "pass": "{'OK Cause ' . $i->{ReleaseCall}{initialCallSegment_cause} . ', is > 22.'}", 
  "fail": "{'Bad Cause ' . $i->{ReleaseCall}{initialCallSegment_cause} . ', <= 22.'}"

If the returned cause value from the preceding inbound ReleaseCall was > 22 (e.g. 32), then the following would will be added to the test instance check_log.

    step: [current step index],
    op_idx: [current operation index], 
    status => "pass", 
    text => "OK Cause 32, is > 22." 

If the most recently returned ReleaseCall cause was 20, then the following entry would be added to the test instance check_log.

    step: [current step index],
    op_idx: [current operation index], 
    status => "fail", 
    text => "Bad Cause 20, is <= 22." 