Announcement Configuration

The IVR requires configuration to allow it to convert announcement IDs provided by an IN SCP into audio which is then played to the subscriber. To configure the mapping between announcement IDs and audio files, the Announcements page is used:

This page provides users with a view of the announcement IDs configured for the IVR and how these IDs are mapped to audio files and variable parts. Each announcement consists of the announcement ID and:

The search bar, above the list of announcements, allows users to filter the visible announcements based on several criteria. The choice of snapshot is required, and by default is set to show the working configuration. A user may change the snapshot displayed, to see the announcement configuration changing over time, however only the working snapshot allows for announcements to be edited.

The full list of functions on this screen include:

Function Description
Snapshot Each snapshot created stores the announcement configuration in a file in the working set at the time of creation. By selecting a historical snapshot, users can review the configuration used in the past.
Add Announcement Allows for the definition of a new announcement ID. The announcement ID added must be unique in the working set.
Upload File The file upload button allows users to load an audio file into the IVR’s configuration. This is covered in more detail here.
Remove Removes the definition for the selected announcement ID.

Editing an Announcement

To edit an announcement, the announcement configuration may be selected:

When selected, the editing tools will be displayed:

Defining an announcement consists of listing the audio files to play in order, defining at which point variable parts (if any) will be played.

A typical single audio file announcement will appear like this:

This announcement would play the file system-error (configured in the Files page).

At first, a new definition will be a single +:

To define the audio file to play for an announcement, select the +, and the following GUI will be displayed:

To select the file to play, type in at least two characters from the audio file’s name (as configured in the Files page) to filter the possible selections:

Once the file is found, select the file and then select the tick to confirm the selection. This will give you the configuration to play the given audio file for the announcement ID:

Once the announcement audio is configured, select the Save button to save the configuration.

The Cancel button may be used to cancel any edits made.

The Remove button can be used to remove the configuration of an announcement ID for any language. This allows an announcement which was previously configured to be removed from the configuration for one language only.

If an announcement needs to be more complicated, it is possible to add multiple audio files into an announcement. After the first audio file is configured to play, select the plus button either before or after the configured audio file, and define the second audio file to play:

This approach to multi-announcement configuration can be used to sequence as many audio files together as required for a single announcement ID in a single language.

The X can be used to remove an audio file from an announcement configuration.

When configuring an announcement ID, an announcement may include variable parts. For example, the announcement You have 40 Euros, 100 SMS and 98 minutes has three variable parts and five audio files:

  1. Audio file: You have
  2. Variable part: 40
  3. Audio file: Euros
  4. Variable part: 100
  5. Audio file: SMS
  6. Audio file: and
  7. Variable part: 98
  8. Audio file: minutes

When defining this announcement in the IVR, variable parts are replaced with *. The announcement will appear like this:

When choosing the audio to play for any part in this announcement, there are three options:

These options are:

Type Description
File Play an audio file, as configured in the `Files` page.
Variable Part Play a variable part using the variable part announcements, configured in the `Variable Parts` page. The exact audio to play will depend on the dynamic data sent to the IVR during the communication with the SCP.
Plural (after) Play one of two announcements, depending on the previous variable part value. This is required to play `one minute` rather than `one minutes`. To allow the IVR backend to use `minute` instead of `minutes`, use the `Plural (after)` option immediately after a variable part.