Termination Range

Termination Range

The termination_range endpoint shows a list of different specifications for the attempt terminate (connect) node to follow.

GET /api/termination_range

Retrieve a list of parameters the attempt terminate (connect) node, must adhere to.

Response Content

The response will be a JSON array of objects, with each object consisting of the following information.

Key Type Description
is_default Integer Boolean value indicating whether this is default.
minimum_digits String The minimum number of digits that can be used.
prefix String The phone number prefix.
maximum_digits String The the maximum number of digits to be entered.



curl 'http://localhost/jarvis-agent/n2fe/api/termination_range'  -H 'Cookie: N2FE_CGISESSID=4876c530f3d7252330a95ea51007f252'


      "is_default" : "1",
      "minimum_digits" : "13",
      "prefix" : "001",
      "maximum_digits" : "16"
      "minimum_digits" : "13",
      "prefix" : "0060",
      "maximum_digits" : "13",
      "is_default" : "1"
      "is_default" : "1",
      "prefix" : "0061",
      "maximum_digits" : "13",
      "minimum_digits" : "13"