Reports Module

Reporting Module

N2FE supports the execution and scheduling of both NCC reports and N2FE reports.

The reporting module will need to be configured before it can be used within N2FE.

  1. Configure the N2FE configuration file, /etc/jarvis/n2fe.xml and alter the reporting config element as required.
  2. Configure the N2FE configuration file, /etc/jarvis/n2fe.xml and alter the get-available-reports plugin element as required.

N2FE Service Configuration

Report Generation Configuration

The config configuration element must include the following XML fragment:


Configuration options include:

Option Description
reporting_ior_name [Required] The IOR name of the SMS Reports Daemon that is configured within NCC. This will be used to determine the location of the SMS Reports Daemon when executing on demand reports.
sms_location [Required] This configuration parameter will indicate the web served location of the reports once generation is complete. This will be used by the server side processing script after a report has been execute to parse the report contents and serve it back to the client as a file download.
java_application [Required] The report execution binary is a packaged Java Jar file and as such must be executed via a Java process. This configuration parameter allows for the specification of non standard Java executables to be used.
report_generation_jar [Required] This configuration parameter indicates the location of the report generation Jar file on disk. This should not be changed under normal circumstances.

Available Reports Configuration

N2FE supports providing users with either NCC and/or N2FE reports. This functionality and which report is shown can be configured as required.

<plugin dataset="get-available-reports" access="__ReportRead" module="GetAvailableReports" add_headers="yes">
    <parameter name="display_ncc_reports" value="1"/>
    <parameter name="display_n2fe_reports" value="0"/>

Configuration options include:

Option Description
display_ncc_reports [Required] Whether to display NCC configured reports when a user accesses the reports screen.
display_n2fe_reports [Required] Whether to display N2FE configured reports when a user accesses the reports screen.