
These EDRs are generated by the LogicApp when processing inbound SendRoutingInfoForSM messages using the SRISM Lua Service implemented by the SendRoutingInfoForSMLuaService service module.

The SRISM EDR Event Types are:

Common Format

The configuration parameters for configuring EDR output including filename structure and location is defined in the configuration documentation for the EdrApp which is a base component provided by the n2svcd package.

All EDRs are written by the EdrApp application using its file and record formatting rules.

Refer to the n2svcd base documentation for more details on configuring and managing EDR streams, and on the syntax/encoding details for N-Squared EDRs.


The SRISM EDR Event indicates that the SendRoutingInfoForSMLuaService received an inbound SendRoutingInfoForSM from a SigtranApp instance.



Field Type Description
DIRECTION in [Always Present] Indicates that the SRISM request was received inbound.
DREF String The Destination Reference Digits (if present) from the MAP-Open (if present).
LGTD HEX String The SCCP Called Address (local, ours) Global Title Digits (if present).
LPC Integer The SCCP Called Address (local, ours) Point Code (if present).
LRI Integer The SCCP Called Address (local, ours) Routing Indicator.
LSSN Integer The SCCP Called Address (local, ours) Sub-System Number (if present).
LTID HEX String [Always Present] The TCAP local (near-end) Transaction ID.
MSISDN HEX String The MSISDN in the form [digits]:[noa]:[npi] if present.
OREF String The Origination Reference Digits (if present) from the MAP-Open (if present).
RGTD HEX String The SCCP Calling Address (remote, far-end) Global Title Digits (if present).
RPC Integer The SCCP Calling Address (remote, far-end) Point Code (if present).
RRI Integer The SCCP Calling Address (remote, far-end) Routing Indicator.
RSSN Integer The SCCP Calling Address (remote, far-end) Sub-System Number (if present).
RTID HEX String [Always Present] The TCAP remote (far-end) Transaction ID.


The SRISM-R EDR Event indicates that the logic service has provided an AnyTimeInterrogatioRequest to the SigtranApp with a request that it be sent out in a ReturnResult component in TCAP END to close the TCAP dialog.



Field Type Description
NPRN String The MNP Info Result Rounting Number Digits (if present).
NPS Integer The MNP Info Result Number Portability Status (if present).


The SRISM-E EDR Event indicates that the logic service has provided an error code to the SigtranApp with a request that it be sent out in a ReturnError component in TCAP END to close the TCAP dialog.



Field Type Description
ERROR_CODE Integer The ReturnResult error code which will be sent.


The SRISM-X EDR Event indicates that the logic service has sent a request to the SigtranApp for the inbound TCAP BEGIN to be forwarded/proxied to a new SCCP called party address, with the all other fields unchanged.



Field Type Description
RGTD HEX String The new SCCP Calling Address (remote, far-end) Global Title Digits (if present).
RPC Integer The new SCCP Calling Address (remote, far-end) Point Code (if present).
RRI Integer The new SCCP Calling Address (remote, far-end) Routing Indicator.
RSSN Integer The new SCCP Calling Address (remote, far-end) Sub-System Number (if present).


The SRISM-END EDR Event indicates that the logic service has requested the SigtranApp to end the inbound TCAP dialog by sending a TCAP END containing no components.



This EDR has no fields.


The SRISM-SHUTDOWN EDR Event indicates that an error occurred in the processing of the inbound SendRoutingInfoForSM. This EDR does not of itself indicate any handling of the TCAP processing.

If the original inbound SRISM TCAP dialog was still open at the time of the processing error, then there will also be an SRISM-E EDR indicated that a TCAP ReturnError was sent (in TCAP END) to close the transaction.



Field Type Description
EXCEPTION String [Always Present] The error string generated by the logic processing.