

The N-Squared Service Daemon (N2SVCD) is a general purpose framework providing the run-time message-passing service and protocol interfaces for the various N-Squared product solutions.

This framework is used for all of the N-Squared Products.

This Technical Guide describes the installation and configuration of the N-Squared N2SVCD Service Dameon and base components in the n2svcd package.

Some individual products also deliver product-specific applications which also integrate with this N2SVCD IPC message bus to provide additional protocol integration or service functions.

N2SVCD Applications

The N2SVCD framework package provides the common message-passing layer, the multi-purpose applications shown here, and also provides the common Application libraries on which each of the purpose-specific N-Squared product applications are constructed.

The following common applications are used for system administration and base functionality:

The n2svcd package also includes the following base-protocol applications which are used by one or more of the N-Squared Products.

The SIP and RTP applications are described in the N2SIP Technical Guide.

The LogicApp is the common application scripting framework and SDK which is the run-time for the N-Squared products.