
Configuration - Plugins

The plugin elements in the N2C5 Configuration file are part of the base Jarvis definition. However, because their parameters are individual to each plugin, they merit individual description.

A Jarvis Plug-In is any module which performs a specific function when requested via the web-client application. Each plugin must be listed separately. See the following example:

<plugin dataset="generate-page" access="**" module="GeneratePage" add_headers="no"
    debug="no" dump="no">
  <parameter name="template_dir" value="/usr/share/n2c5-dev/template"/>
  <parameter name="dictionary" value="/usr/share/n2c5-dev/etc/dictionary.txt"/>
  <parameter name="definitions.edr_filter_functions" value="all,call,activity,credit_card"/>

The following core attributes apply to all Jarvis plugins:

In general, you should The user interface will be compatible with modern browsers including:

Plugin - GeneratePage

The GeneratePage module is responsible for rendering all top-level HTML pages within the N2C5 product. It supports the following parameters:

<plugin dataset="generate-page" access="**" module="GeneratePage" add_headers="no"
    debug="no" dump="no">
  <parameter name="template_dir" value="/usr/share/n2c5-dev/template"/>
  <parameter name="dictionary" value="/usr/share/n2c5-dev/etc/dictionary.txt"/>
  <parameter name="definitions.edr_filter_functions" value="all,call,activity,credit_card"/>

Plugin - SubscriberEdrs

The SubscriberEdrs module fetches EDR data from the CCS_BE_CDR in the OCNCC SMF database instance. It pre-processes this data and supplies it to the web-client for rendering on the screen. It supports the following parameters:

<plugin dataset="subscriber-edrs" access="*" module="SubscriberEdrs"
    add_headers="yes" mime_type="application/json">
  <parameter name="process" value="Default,MyTelco"/>
  <parameter name="trim_littles" value="2"/>
  <parameter name="cost_format" value="unit"/>

Plugin - RateTableImportXLSX

The RateTableImportXLSX module handles uploading, importing and progress reporting of a xlsx Rate Table. It supports the following parameters:

<plugin dataset="rate-table-import-xlsx" access="__AdminWrite" module="RateTableImportXLSX"
    add_headers="yes" mime_type="application/json">
  <parameter name="xlsx_dir" value="/var/lib/n2c5-{suffix}/rating/xlsx"/>
  <parameter name="log_dir" value="/var/lib/n2c5-{suffix}/rating/log"/>

Note: Uploaded xlsx files and import progress logs will not be removed by n2c5 as they are kept for historical purposes.

Plugin - RateTableExportXLSX

The RateTableExportXLSX module handles exporting a Rate Table to an XLSX.

<plugin dataset="rate-table-export-xlsx" access="__AdminRead" module="RateTableExportXLSX"
    add_headers="yes" mime_type="application/xlsx"/>

Plugin - RateTableSchedule

The RateTableSchedule module handles scheduling a Rate Table from the past to be effective again in the future.

<plugin dataset="rate-table-schedule" access="__AdminWrite" module="RateTableSchedule"
    add_headers="yes" mime_type="application/json"/>